This week had lots of deadlines. Similarly to previous weeks, I wrote a reflection about another interview. This reflection differed from the others because its content was not relevant to my research. Although the information I gained would not prove useful to my final product, it helped my thought process about my future career. This interview was with a professional in the finance department in a supply chain. I was affirmed by my decision in the first weeks of this course not to pursue finance as my topic of interest. My reason for not choosing finance as my topic previously was reflected in this interview as well. While I thought her career was interesting, the work environment and tasks did not seem specific to my skills. This position did not require the communication or creative skills that I possess. I was able to display my thoughts about the financial field before and after this interview in my reflection and feel proud of my willingness to interview someone in a field I had not completed much research on. To be honest, I wish I had completed more research on this topic prior to the interview because I feel that I did not have in-depth questions to match her level of expertise. I also completed general research about the most successful supply chain of 2022, Cisco. I was able to explore what makes their processes so successful and apply that to my precious knowledge of supply chain. I have a lot to look forward to next week; I have a research speech and my first mentor visit.