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About Me

My name is Laura Summers and I am a junior at Wakeland High School. Currently, I am participating in the Independent Study and Mentorship Program (ISM) for the 2022-23 school year. My topic of interest this year is supply chain and in the future I hope to make decisions about inventory, sales analysis, and timelines.

Mission Statement

This year in ISM my mission is to discover and research the analytics and management processes required to make a supply chain successful. I will do this by being a student to a professional in my field of interest and intentionally inquiring about  factors that influence the effectiveness of a supply chain. I want to develop skills that help me be more problem-solving and creative, which will shape my professional self to fit my dream career.

Topic Proposal

Read more about my passion for my topic and how I plan to conduct my research this year


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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