This week was full of progress. My mentor and I finalized my prepared message structure and brainstormed different questions I could ask during interviews. I finally got to send out these messages to some sellers on Amazon I had been researching. I came across the dilemma of having a 300 character word limit on LinkedIn, so I had to shorten and manipulate my words to send an efficient message. I sent about 15 this week and am planning to send more the following week. This was a step I was procrastinating, but I’m proud I took initiative early in the process to reach out and ask for interviews. So far, only one person accepted my request on LinkedIn, which encourages me to widen my audience and find others to reach out to. I also spent time this week setting up the technology applications to create my website on my personal computer. With the help of my dad, I was able to set up the basic directories, folders, and structure of my website. I have so much to learn about these applications and using code to create functions on my site, but know that with patience and time I will be able to have enough knowledge to manipulate these programs myself. I am grateful for my dad’s expertise in this area, otherwise I would be stuck on 5 hour YouTube tutorials and losing my mind. I also spent time working on my speech that I will be presenting next week. I was able to create a longer slide presentation to fit the structure of my speech and to entertain my audience. I’m excited to share my new progress in ISM with my teacher and fellow classmates and hope they will find something interesting or learn something new from my presentation.